
Assisted vocational training flexible (AsA flex)

The "assisted training flexible" supports apprentices of all apprenticeship years to catch up and repeat the contents from vocational school. Through the additional, permanent promotion of knowledge in German, mathematics, English and economic and social studies, school grades can be improved and the successful completion of vocational training can be ensured. Preparation for class tests and intermediate & final exams are also part of the measure. The support of social pedagogues and training facilitators stabilises private and company matters in order to work towards successful completion of the vocational training. In addition, through intensive cooperation between all parties, there is the possibility of being taken on in the company after vocational training or of starting to look for a job. Support in finding suitable jobs, writing or optimising application documents and application training is provided by our experienced job coaches.

The measure is aimed at youths and young adults under the age of 25 who are receiving benefits from the job centre and are undergoing in-company vocational training or introductory training.

Location addresses

Centre location                               

Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Beschäftigungsförderung mbH 
Wörthstraße 128                                                                           
47053 Duisburg

Journey by public transport

Tramway (Straßenbahn): 903
Stop: Marienhospital
From the stop, follow Wörthstraße for approx. 300m. We share a driveway with the Aldi store. You will find our educational centre on the right-hand side of the grounds.


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Location Adresses

Location North

Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Beschäftigungsförderung mbH 
Duisburgerstraße 226                                                                  
47166 Duisburg

Journey by public transport
Tramway (Straßenbahn): 903
Stop: Hamborn City Hall

About 150-200m from the bus stop is the building of FitX and the AOK. Next to the entrance of the AOK is the main entrance of the AAWID and the GfB training room.

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Svetlana Simanski

Phone and Whatsapp :
0203 60986-319

Email :

Languages :

Thomas Linz

Phone and Whatsapp :
0203 60986-160

Email :

Languages :